Welcome to Checker Cab Guatemala. If you’re searching on the web for a safe, consistent and reliable Taxi Cab service in Guatemala, you came to the right spot. We have plenty of qualified drivers spread out the city and if you ever get stuck or left behind where you went for vacation anywhere in the country no worries, we’ll send a driver directly to pick you up. Our feedback posted here on the website from all of our customers tell’s the world in how we handle our business to provide a good taxi cab service here in Guatemala. So at any moment, don’t hesitate to post here at the comment block below your pickup and dispatch will respond at no time.
Why you found us online? Well it’s because we as a Taxi Cab Company in Guatemala have committed to provide a safety and consistancy since the company was founded (2010). It’s been a journey of 10 years of total dedication to all of our visitors from all over the world seeking for a safe ride through out Guatemala. So this is the main reason why the three biggest search engines Google, Bing and Yahoo have ranked us number one in Taxi Service in organic search.
You can’t be in no better hand that us so try us out and you won’t be dessapointed. Thank You for your visit. God Bless…